Jerry Donahue

Diskussion über die Band mit den meisten JT Ex-Members. / Discussion about the band with the most JT ex-members.

Moderator: King Heath

Whistling Catfish
Beiträge: 4638
Registriert: Mo Aug 09, 2004 8:59 am
Wohnort: Germanland & Polany

Jerry Donahue

Beitrag von Whistling Catfish »

Jerry Donahue hat in Los Angeles einen Schlaganfall erlitten. Seine Tochter Kristina gab folgendes Statement ab:

"My dad had a stroke on Friday and is in the hospital. Unfortunately, they missed the three hour window to treat and, due to the location of the blockage, it was too risky to perform surgery. So, they're holding him for now.
I flew out to LA to be with him and, though he is unable to speak, he did recognize me. He's very frustrated, as you can imagine, but we're trying to stay positive.
So thankful to Susan Rey & Frank Badami who saved my dad's life.
More news and information to come. Please keep my dad in your thoughts and prayers. Thank you and love to you all.
Kristina x"
I wish I was a Catfish, swimmin' in the deep blue sea....
King Heath
Beiträge: 1815
Registriert: Fr Jan 13, 2006 4:43 pm

Re: Jerry Donahue

Beitrag von King Heath »

Was für eine Scheiße! Ich bin geschockt. Einer der besten Gitarristen dieses Planeten und nun das.

Pegg hat mal eine schöne Anekdote erzählt. Zur Zeit von Nine, als Jerry Mitglied bei Fairport war, hat Pegg ihn vor einem Konzert gefragt, ob er denn für seine Komposition "Tokyo" schon das Urheberrecht angemeldet hätte. Nine war noch nicht erschienen. Jerry wurde bleich und verneinte. Da hat ihm Pegg lachend auf den Rücken gekloppft und gesagt: "Wer das Stück nach einmal Hören nachspielen kann, der hat das Urheberrecht verdient."

Oh Mann, das zieht mich echt runter. So ein netter Kerl und fantastischer Gitarero.

Whistling Catfish
Beiträge: 4638
Registriert: Mo Aug 09, 2004 8:59 am
Wohnort: Germanland & Polany

Re: Jerry Donahue

Beitrag von Whistling Catfish »

Habe gerade gehört, dass das m. W. exklusive Deutschlandkonzert von 'Fotheringay' am 23. September im Kulturhaus in Lüdenscheid trotzdem stattfinden wird. :? Ich wollte eigentlich dort hin, aber unter den gegebenen Umständen fehlt mir dann wahrscheinlich doch die Motivation......

Ansonsten hat Kristina verlauten lassen, das er die Intensivstation wohl verlassen hat, aber der Zustand nicht wirklich 'gut' ist.
I wish I was a Catfish, swimmin' in the deep blue sea....
Beiträge: 1232
Registriert: Mo Aug 30, 2004 12:54 pm
Wohnort: Worms

Re: Jerry Donahue

Beitrag von Ulla »

Ian hat am Freitag mit Jerry am Telefon gesprochen und es geht ihm schon viel besser.
Meet On The Ledge
Beiträge: 1232
Registriert: Mo Aug 30, 2004 12:54 pm
Wohnort: Worms

Re: Jerry Donahue

Beitrag von Ulla »

Neueste Nachricht : Jerry kann laufen und es geht ihm den Umständen entsprechend gut.
Meet On The Ledge
Whistling Catfish
Beiträge: 4638
Registriert: Mo Aug 09, 2004 8:59 am
Wohnort: Germanland & Polany

Re: Jerry Donahue

Beitrag von Whistling Catfish »

Hi, all. Sorry for the long gap since the last update. I've been putting this off because it's hard, but many have been asking about dad and it's time to let you all know the reality of his situation.

Dad suffered an ischemic stroke with hemorrhagic conversion. Every doctor who's looked at his chart is amazed that he survived. So, for that, we're truly grateful.

However, he has global aphasia, which makes it incredibly difficult to communicate and is, as you can imagine, very frustrating. His occupational therapist said she'd never before worked with someone with his level of aphasia.

He also has right side paralysis and his doctor said he will probably never play the guitar again. This being said, my dad has made progress regaining muscle control on the right side and we are not giving up on him!!

Dad is very strong and stubborn; he can do this! Please continue sending thoughts, prayers, and all the healing vibes his way. To those who have sent cards, thank you!! I know it means so much to him. If you'd like to, you're more than welcome to send videos saying hello, too. He'd love it.

You should also know that he's had a bit of agitation (naturally), but - all things considered - he's in pretty good spirits. He's working hard with speech, occupational, and physical therapy and, though it will be a long road, he's doing fine. Thank you and love to you all.

Kristina xx
Diese Nachricht von vorgestern klingt allerdings nicht so doll......
I wish I was a Catfish, swimmin' in the deep blue sea....
Whistling Catfish
Beiträge: 4638
Registriert: Mo Aug 09, 2004 8:59 am
Wohnort: Germanland & Polany

Re: Jerry Donahue

Beitrag von Whistling Catfish »

I wish I was a Catfish, swimmin' in the deep blue sea....